Coffee Roasting

Check it out, our first update video for Intown Coffee, it is a little rough around the edges. We are getting there. [embedded content] Links to the items mentioned in the video January Subscription Box .COFFEE Names Thanks! Let us know what reviews, interviews, industry information would you like to see. Let us know what you
What is .COFFEE and a Top Level Domain? .COFFEE is a new top level domain name (TLD). A top level domain name is the last part of the web address. Think .com, .org, .edu, etc. For most of the Internet’s history top level domains have been fairly limited to around 22 names plus the country extensions.
I’ve been very privileged to have tasted and tried over 100 different single origins and blends in the past six months; my informal and formal cupping / espresso notes show 112 different coffees rated. I talk about them as they are tasted on my twitter feed (subscribe!) and always have the best intentions of writing them up
There are just so many amazing coffees this summer – most of the Cup of Excellence coffees are just hitting the market right now, and the coffees of Ethiopia and Kenya are hitting North American shores. I’ve tried so many of them, and I recapped some in a recent CoffeeGeek Podcast. In this article, I’ll talk
There’s another new book on the horizon, and I’ve been privileged to have received a preview copy of the book in pdf format, which I’m just reading through now. That book is by my friend and coffee confidant, Instaurator, of Michelle Espresso Fame, WBC fame, and of course, his own fame! The book is called The
Recently I got a very interesting email from a CoffeeGeek reader (and she also reads my personal site) regarding confusion about thermoblocks, “thermoblock boilers”, “steel lined thermoblock boilers” and some old verbage I wrote about six years ago about thermoblocks in general, where I said: but the heating element inside is, for the most part, inadequate for