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Out and About Interview with Coffee Cruiser, mobile coffee vendors and take a look at their converted Toyota FJ cruiser.

Focus spoke to Clive Arnold and Claire Barrell about Coffee Cruiser, a new mobile barista with a unique coffee truck based in Hampshire, UK.

Clive and Claire decided to combine their love of coffee and the love of their car. The Toyota FJ Cruiser was brought over from Australia and was converted here in the UK to a magnificent mobile coffee truck.

The cruiser doesn’t need electricity or a noisy/smelly generator to be able to trade all day. It is completely self-sufficient so is ideal for hire at events, festivals, weddings, etc. As well we the freshest roast bean to up coffees, Coffee Cruiser also serves other refreshments including gourmet hot chocolate and Yorkshire tea.

If you would like further details or to book an event, please contact us:-

Email –

About Focus:-

Focus are a UK based multimedia communications agency specialising in audio and video. We help businesses use video and audio to maximise their sales impact and keep ahead of their competitors.

We have a fully equipped ISDN studio and green screen facilities in Southampton, Hampshire and an office in Cambridge.

See our portfolio for examples of web video for business, podcasts and webinars produced for health and safety, training and employee communications, product launches, tourism, science, technology, aerial and the maritime sectors.

In marketing surveys, 90% of customers have said that video helps buying decisions – find out more by joining one of our Breakfast Briefings or request a Free Guide to Video (see website).

A video can be used on your website or social media as part of your digital marketing strategy, giving cost effective online sales and marketing 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you are interested in a corporate or promotional video or ISDN audio services, please contact us on

(+44) 23 8044 8822 or

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