Coffee Desserts

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The ingredients and instructions are as follows:

You’ll need:

– ⅓ cup icing sugar
– 1 shot espresso
– 8.5 fl oz cream
– Nutella
– cocoa powder for sprinkling

In addition:

– medium-sized plastic bottle (16.9 fl oz) and funnel

Here’s how:

1. Stir the icing sugar and the espresso together in a bowl, then use a funnel to transfer the mixture into a plastic bottle.

2. Pour the cream into the bottle, shake the contents vigorously and chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

3. When the mix is ready, coat the bottom of a glass with Nutella and pour the cream out on top of it. Sprinkle on some cocoa powder and enjoy your creamy dessert.

You can also find the full instructions on our website:

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