Coffee Art

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Amazing Coffee Art in a New York Coffee Shop


COFFEE artist and New York coffee shop barista Mike Breach turns Leonardo DiCaprio into Leonardo DiCappuccino with his incredible coffee art, also known as ‘baristart’.

Coffee shop baristas regularly create simple patterns like hearts on their
concoctions, but ‘latte portrait artist’ Mike, 29 from New York City takes it one
step further by capturing world famous faces in his tasty works of art. 

Included in his repertoire of amazing coffee art / baristart pieces are portraits dubbed Al Cap-puccino, a William Shakespeare rendition he calls ‘Foameo and Juliet’, and a Kurt Cobain face he calls ‘Kurt Cobean’.

“I started doing this originally for myself, because it was just fun,” Mike said.

“I kept doing it because I noticed the reactions of everybody, and how happy it
made them.” 

Just like any coffee shop barista, Mike starts by pouring steamed milk over an espresso shot. Then using a large cocktail stick, he carefully draws his amazing coffee art image by stroking the dark coffee cream across the milk foam. 

The first face Mike drew was a portrait of Kiss singer Gene Simmons, which was
hatched from a simple heart design. 

Other creations Mike now regularly whips ups include renditions of Marilyn
Monroe, Star Trek character Spock, and Robocop-accino.

It takes about 5 minutes to complete each amazing coffee art portrait.

“A favourite cappuccino of people watching me work is the John Lennon portrait,”
he said. “It’s one of the simpler ones to do when I’m put on the spot.”

Mike doesn’t draw just faces, but also famous icons like Jaws and the Manhattan

He’s planning a book of his greatest baristart pieces, and a business based
around hosting private events. 

Mike first got the idea for “baristart” while working in a hotel.

The budding artist had frequently drawn sketches with pens and pencils, but
began to experiment at his job with coffee, milk, and cocktail sticks.

“I like the fact that it doesn’t last forever, because it really makes the gesture
resonate with the person I’m making them for,” he added. 

“Everyone needs to feel special once in a while and I’m glad I can make them
smile with my Baristart.

Director / Videographer: Danilo Parra
Producer: Liam Miller
Editor: Ian Phillips

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