How to Make Camp Coffee

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Today’s review comes from Lanna Coffee Co., a Fresno, California-based roaster that sources coffee from Thailand, while contributing partial profits to bringing clean water and framer education back to the communities that the coffee is sourced from.

Lanna Coffee Co. sent me two bags of coffee, and in this review we’ll specifically be looking at the Lam Pai (Som Poi), a honey-processed medium roast coffee.

The Som Poi was my favorite of the two bags of coffee I was sent.

General Notes & Observations

Roast: Medium
Producers: Som Poi Village
Country of Origin: Thailand
Region: Chaiyaphum
Variety: Unknown
Processing method: Honey
Growing altitude: Unknown
Roaster tasting notes: Brown butter, pie crust, vanilla
Coffee Concierge tasting notes: Graham cracker, balanced

Drip Coffee Experience

The Lam Pai was delicious no matter how I decided to brew it. I did brew it pretty extensively via pour-over and through my Behmor Connected.

What was particularly notable about the Lam Pai is how balanced the flavor profile was. There was no intense acidity or overwhelming dark, smoky flavor. The coffee had a nice flavor that fell somewhere in the middle of the flavor spectrums one often encounters. It reminded me of graham crackers, with hints of vanilla.

Typically with honey-processed coffee I’d expect intense fruity flavor, but there really wasn’t any of that. So it was good that my preconceived notions were shaken up a bit.

Moka & Immersion Experience

While I didn’t do a ton of brewing through immersion methods, I enjoyed the coffee just as much as I did when brewed via drip methods.

In a way, the extra body I got out of the coffee from my Moka Pot made the coffee even more special.


If you like balanced flavor profiles in your coffee and/or have yet to try any from Thailand, then I’d highly recommend giving the Lam Pai a try (oh cool, that rhymed). You also get the added benefit of doing something good for a community that needs access to clean water, which should really be a human right.

I recommend this coffee for just about any brew method, so give it a try and let me know what you think.

Tried This Coffee? Have Questions?

If you’ve tried this coffee, let us know what you thought by leaving a review in the comments section below.

If you have questions, I’m also happy to try and answer them. Leave those below!

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