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I’m so excited to bring you this contest! It’s our first big contest giveaway on CoffeeGeek in over five years!

As part of CoffeeGeek’s #espressomonth for the month of September, we’ve partnered with Breville to bring you our Espresso Month Contest Giveaway!

Contest Prizes

This contest is open to people around the world in the following countries: United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, where regular major carrier parcel service exists.

We want you to help increase awareness and exposure for the huge slate of espresso based How Tos and other articles we’re publishing during the month of September here on CoffeeGeek. As our thank you, we’re going to be holding draws for the following prizes on October 10, 2019:

Barista Pro

Breville Barista Pro Espresso machine and grinder combo.
This is Breville’s upgrade to the insanely popular Barista Express; almost everything in the machine is an upgrade from the original Express: better grinder, better grinder control, better hot water delivery, better steaming ability, much more programmable and customizable, and updated, more modern styling.

The Breville Barista Pro has a value of $800 USD.

Bambino Plus

Breville Bambino Plus
The latest espresso machine from Breville, it’s one of the world’s smallest full function espresso machines, but what makes it even more amazing is that it has their super high end automatic frothing system built in, as well as a 3 second start up time. All in a size not much bigger than their grinders.

The Breville Bambino Plus has a value of $500

Smart Grinder Pro

Breville Smart Grinder Pro
Breville’s top of the line grinder with a lot of smarts and features built in, including two different cradles for portafilters, and a grinds catcher bin. It has an innovative timing system that stores different times for different grind settings, and the Smart Grinder Pro can handle espresso and press pot grinds equally well.

The Smart Grinder Pro has a value of $200.

Dose Control Grinder

Breville Dose Control Pro Grinder
Breville’s espresso-forward grinder that is also easily suited for other brewing methods; comes with two cradles for different sized portafilters, and can grind directly into Hario V60 filters and other pourover filter systems.

The Breville Dose Control Pro has a value of $170.

All four prizes include shipping and full warranty from Breville!

How to Enter CoffeeGeek’s EspressoMonth Contest

So how do you enter? Every person can have up to four total entries, by using any or all of the entry methods below. Read these methods and rules carefully, as we’re going to be super strict as to their eligibility.

Method One: Participate in the Discussion on any of our Espresso Month How Tos.
You can get one entry (per person) into our draw by simply taking part in the discussions for any of the How Tos we are publishing in the month of September for #espressomonth. You can find the active list of the discussions here. There is a caveat: your discussion must be substantive and natural. One liners and basic comments (like “great article!” or “thanks for posting!” will not be counted and will most likely be deleted by our moderators at their discretion. We’re looking for real discussion and discourse, so ask questions, give you own thoughts on the How To method, propose your own way to brew the drink, etc etc.

NB, only one entry per person will count for this method – but we encourage you to post often to any or all of the discussion threads for our How Tos 🙂

Method Two: Post a Photo to Instagram, include hashtags and follow the @CoffeeGeek account.
You can get an entry to our #espressomonth contest and giveaway by posting a photo to Instagram (preferably of one of your own drink builds after reading our How Tos), and doing the following: a) follow @CoffeeGeek on Instagram (if you already don’t do so), and b) use the following hashtags (each separated by a space) in your posting: #espressomonth, #breville, #CoffeeGeek.

Method Three: Post a link to a CoffeeGeek #espressomonth How To on Twitter, with hashtags.
You can get another entry into our #espressomonth contest by posting a link to any of our How Tos published during the month of September, on Twitter. You must also use the following hashtags (each separated by a space) in your post: #espressomonth, #Breville, and #CoffeeGeek. It is not necessary to follow CoffeeGeek on Twitter, but it’s appreciated!

Method Four: Post a Link on Facebook to a CoffeeGeek #espressomonth How To, with hashtags.
You can get yet another entry into our #espressomonth contest by posting a link (and optionally, a description) to any one of the How Tos we’re publishing during the month of September for Espresso Month. You must also include three hashtags: #espressomonth, #Breville, and #CoffeeGeek.

You can find the active, updated list to all our Espresso Month How Tos here.

Each of the above methods will get you one entry into our contest giveaway (as long as you live in US, CA, UK, GER, AU, or NZ, and live in an area regularly serviced by major carrier delivery companies). Complete two, and it’s 2 entries; complete all four, and you get 4 entries into the contest. We will be holding the draw after compiling the eligible entries list, on October 10, with an announcement as soon as we confirm the winners and their eligibility.

Additional Rules and Notes

Contest is open for entries between September 15, 00:01 (PDT time) through September 30, 23:59 (PDT time).

Winners agree to provide a photo of them with the winning prize within a reasonable time after the prize is mailed out to them, which may or may not be used by CoffeeGeek and/or Breville for promotional purposes. Winners also agree that CoffeeGeek and/or Breville can use their name and basic information (twitter account name, instagram name, facebook name, coffeegeek member name, etc) in publication of the winners list.

Breville will ship the winning prize to you once we confirm your eligibility and mailing and contact information. This contest is open to residents of the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand. The product will carry the standard warranty for that region. Once the product is received, the winners must take a photo of themselves with the product and send it to us (information will be provided).

Once all prizes are shipped and received, and we receive your promotional photos with the equipment, CoffeeGeek will be posting a winners list, including basic information (first name, last initial) and your method of entry (Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account, or CoffeeGeek member name and posting), along with the photos of the happy winners with their new prizes.

CoffeeGeek is based in Canada, so there’s one additional condition should a Canadian be selected as one of the winners: You must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the contest close, and you must answer a skills-testing question before being declared an eligible winner.

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