Coffee Desserts

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======= coffee recipe =================================================

Dandelions roots coffee.
1 tsp dandelions roots. ground
1 cup water
sugar to taste
Washed and drained dandelions roots. parched and ground as coffee.
prepared in the usual way. but by being boiled a little longer. makes an
excellent substitute for coffee.
1. Pour the water in to the pot and bring to boil.
2. When the water is boiling. take it off the stove. and immediately stir the
ground dandelions roots into it. Set a side for several minutes. Heat
3. Pour the beverage through the filter. Strain and serve hot beverage. with
Nutrition: Dandelion leaves and roots are stimulates the liver and the kidneys and is a general tonic. It stimulates digestion and acts as a mild laxative.


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