Coffee Art

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➡️ Get the supply list and instructions for these Mocha Oreo Latte Art Cookies:

⭐Get more content and members-only benefits on Patreon:

➡️ My ultimate guide to royal icing:

➡️ Find these supplies in my Amazon Store:
⭐ Mocha Oreos
⭐ Candy Melts
⭐ Cookie mold from The Cookie Countess
⭐ Round Cookie Cutter
⭐ Pencil to trace the cookie cutter
⭐ Baking Sheet
⭐ Parchment Paper
⭐ Printer Paper
⭐ Paper Grocery Bag or Kraft Paper
⭐ Paper Wrap Template (below)
⭐ Tape
⭐ 3oz Cups
⭐ Toothpick

If you enjoyed this tutorial, check out some of my other videos!
➡️Colorful Cookies!
➡️Adorable Animals!
➡️Makeup Cookies!

⭐Subscribe! SweetAmbsCookies:
Hi, I’m Amber! My cookie decorating tutorials are filmed in my studio in upstate, New York. I’m a graduate of the baking and pastry program at the Culinary Institute of America and I’ve been decorating cookies professionally for over 12 years! I love sharing my techniques and I post cookie decorating tutorials with step-by-step instructions here on my YouTube channel every week. Let me know if you have any suggestions for upcoming videos!

⭐Follow me on Instagram:

➡️Business inquires:

Music courtesy of Audio Network

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