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Aeropress Inc. has just announced the winner of their $100,000 Cookies for Kids’ Cancer Innovative Translational Research Award, and it is going to Dr. Nicholas Vitanza from Seattle Children’s Research Institute, for the study of pediatric brain tumors.

Dr. Vitanza’s winning project went through a rigorous peer-reviewed process consisting of top pediatric cancer researchers from leading hospitals across the country. His project was selected from proposals submitted by esteemed hospitals including St. Jude, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Texas Children’s Cancer Center, Dana-Farber, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Aeropress inventor and founder, Alan Adler is delighted by this choice for what will be an annual award.

“When I first learned about Cookies for Kids’ Cancer from the founders, I knew instantly that I wanted to support ‘Cookies’ with all my heart,” says Adler. “The more I learned about their program, the more enthusiastic I became. Their focus is on supporting research that has the best chance of helping children in the shortest time possible. That’s exactly where I think the focus should be.”

This grant is run by Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a US based pediatric cancer non profit. The organization has as its mantra that people should “be good cookies” by getting involved in any way they can to support the cancer research they’re bringing light to.

Cookies for Kids’ Cancer co-founder Gretchen Witt said of Aeropress’ involvement, “We are grateful to have support from AeroPress and are thrilled to have been able to create this award specifically for them. Researchers like Dr. Vitanza rely on support from private foundations like ours which is a vital part of their funding. On average it takes more than two years for a researcher to receive funding after submitting a grant request to the National Cancer Institute for review. That timeline for a project submitted to Cookies for Kids’ Cancer is around 60 days. And, when you’re a child battling cancer, days count.”

Further, from the press release:

Pediatric cancer is the number one cause of death by disease of children in the United States under the age of 18. The types of cancers that children develop are different from adult cancers and, therefore, require specialized research. Two thirds of children treated for cancer develop long-term side effects as a result of their treatment, making improved, less toxic cancer treatments for children a critical research priority. “The lack of funding directed towards pediatric cancer astounds me as much today as the day my son Liam was diagnosed. It just doesn’t make sense to me that we invest so little money into a disease that preys on our most precious resource, our children,” said Witt.  “To have an innovative company like AeroPress not only recognize the need but step up to the plate to fund a grant specific for new thinking by young investigators is truly amazing. My son was fascinated by science and figuring out how things work. He not only would have loved to know the inspiration behind AeroPress but would have cheered them on for their forward thinking by funding a grant specifically for the next generation.”

Aeropress aims to make this award an annual event, which means every time you buy an Aeropress product, you are helping to support these causes.

About the Author

Natia loves coffee and relishes at the chance to write about it. She’s competed in regional barista competitions in the past, and while no longer a Barista as a profession, she says espresso runs through her veins.

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