Coffee Roasting

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Conclusion, For Now

One of the great joys of my job here at CoffeeGeek is that I get to discover and use exceptional products. For years and years, I was used to the idea that, if I wanted a quality hand grinder, I had to go with something from Orphan Espresso and their huge and heavy Lido models. The OE Lido does set a high bar on quality output, but it’s not exactly a good travel solution.

For a $85ish product (you can actually get it for as low as $50 if you really hunt around the Internet), the Timemore Chestnut C2 – Timemore’s entry level hand grinder – sets a very high bar. It blows away anything Hario is producing. It puts the originator – the Porlex Mini – to shame. The Chestnut C2 is more in line with competing products that cost $150, $200 and more. 

It’s not the lightest weight hand grinder. It is too big to fit inside an Aeropress plunger (the Porlex famously can do that); it isn’t ideal for espresso (though a burr upgrade will fix that). But it’s a pleasure to use, fast to grind, and produces a fantastic grind for drip, pour over, siphon, cloth brewing, Chemex, Aeropress, and press pot. 

I’m looking forward to the full review process for the Timemore Chestnut C2! In the meantime, if you want to check out the product, it’s on Amazon for $83US (and in Canada for around $115).

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