How to Make Camp Coffee

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The pour-over is a brewing method that is loved by many coffee lovers worldwide. Not only does it bring out the intricate flavors of your coffee bean, but it also gives your coffee a personal touch.

Because pour-over involves manually pouring hot water over ground coffee beans, you’ll have total control of the brewing process. Additionally, you can experiment with water: coffee ratios and grind sizes to bring out the unique taste of coffee.

Unfortunately, pour-over coffee depends entirely on the brewer to produce flavorful coffee. Hence, it is prone to bad pouring techniques and other human errors—these errors cause your final brew to taste off.

In light of this, the question persists, Why Does Pour-Over Coffee Drip Too Fast?

Your pour-over coffee may be dripping too fast because of the following reasons:

  • First, you may be using fewer coffee grounds and a lot of water to brew your coffee. Using less coffee means that the depth of the coffee bed is shallow – and a shallow coffee bed can’t hold water for too long.

  • Second, you may be using a flat bottom coffee filter. These types of coffee filters have a broader bottom, so your coffee grinds will be spread thinly. Because of this, water passes through them real quick.

Continue browsing below to find out how the drip rate of your pour-over coffee affects the final brew and how to rectify the mistakes that make your coffee taste off.

How Long Does It Take To Brew Pour-Over Coffee?

Pour-over coffee takes a really short time to brew. However, some people freak out when they realize that the whole process depends on their accuracy. Even though pour-over coffee depends on your brewing expertise, there are neutral points that you can use to estimate how slow or fast your pour-over coffee drips into the carafe.

If you are using darkly roasted coffee beans, your pour-over should take about 2½ to 3 minutes to brew. For medium to lightly roasted coffee, your drink should take 3-4 minutes to brew.

The estimated times above are the recommended times for your pour-over coffee to brew properly. If it takes longer or shorter than the expected brew time, your final drink will definitely have a different taste.

What is the Ideal Drip Rate of Pour over Coffee?

The ideal drip rate of your pour-over is neither too fast nor too slow. If your brew drips too fast, your resulting drink will be too sour or blunt in taste. This is because when water passes through coffee grounds too fast, it extracts very few of the elements available in the bean. Because of this, your final drink will be under-extracted, meaning that it will be bland.

Coffee that drips too slowly, on the other hand, will give you a cup of Joe that is too bitter. For this reason, you should ensure that your coffee drips at an optimum rate to ensure that its taste remains bearable.

How Does The Drip-Rate Of Coffee Affect Its Taste?

Several factors affect the taste of pour-over coffee, and drip time is one of them. If your pour-over coffee drips too fast, the hot water has very little contact time with the ground coffee beans.

When the hot water is in contact with your coffee grinds for a short time, it won’t extract all the delicious flavors from the coffee beans. For this reason, coffee that drips too fast will taste sour, salty, and it will lack natural coffee sweetness.

If you dislike the taste of under-extracted coffee, you may need to adjust a few things as you brew. Ideally, you should work on factors that reduce the taste of your coffee and enhance them.

If the drip rate of your coffee is too slow, it means that your coffee grounds have more contact with hot water. More contact with the coffee will ensure the full extraction of coffee flavors. However, it will have one downside. If the hot water stays in contact with the coffee grounds for too long, it may lead to the over-extraction of flavors. Over extraction will lead to a bitter-tasting final cup of coffee.

How do I Slow Down the Drip-rate of My Pour-Over Coffee?

If your pour-over coffee drips too fast, there are a few steps that you can take to ensure that it slows down.

First, you should increase the number of grounds that you use to brew your coffee. Increasing the quantity of coffee grounds will also increase the depth of the coffee bed. This increase will ensure that your grounds hold the water long enough for optimum extraction.

You may also want to change the coffee filter that you use. I recommend using a cone-shaped filter for your pour-over coffee. These filters ensure the hot water passes through the coffee grounds more evenly. Additionally, if the hot water passes through your grounds more evenly, the coffee will extract better, meaning your final brew will taste heavenly.

What Grind Size should I Use for Pour-Over Coffee?

The perfect coffee grind to use for pour-over coffee is medium-course. This size ensures that you get the perfect flavors from your pour-over without the risk of over extracting the flavors.

If you use a finer grind size, your coffee will take longer to extract. Also, the fine particles may block your filter, causing your brew time to take longer than expected.

How to Brew Pour-Over Coffee Correctly.

Below is the ultimate guide to brewing pour-over coffee perfectly at home.

  • Step 1: Boil water

First, you should bring at least 20 oz. of water to a boil.

Next, grind your coffee beans to a medium-coarse grind. This type of grind resembles sea salt.

Wet your coffee filter a little before a little water before putting it in the dipper. I recommend wetting your filter with hot water before proceeding with the process.

Next, add coffee grounds to your filter, then tap gently to level the surface of the coffee grounds. Place the filter on a carafe or a coffee mug before proceeding.

Pour a little water over the coffee grounds. You should take care not to drown the grounds in water as it will defeat the purpose of pour-over. Pour in a little water for the coffee to “bloom,” then pour in the rest to brew the coffee.

Once all the hot water has passed through the coffee, it’s time to decant and serve your coffee.


Pour over is a great method of brewing your daily dose of caffeine. It isn’t complicated, so once you understand the key problem areas, you’ll be able to make a decent cup of coffee.

If you encounter any problems with the taste of your pour-over coffee, then it might be a brewing problem. Follow our guide above to give you the ultimate pour-over coffee experience.

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