Bill McClure

Instagram Image Credits, from top clockwise: @nikkigbigger, @coffeegobel, @coffeeker_photography, @capecoffeebeans, @chrisronak, @mountainbatista, center: @calin.charles A cursory scroll through Aeropress’s Instagram account feels equal parts globe-trotting itinerary as a coffee-making promotion. The array of photo locations with the brewing device in hand is astounding; South African waterfalls, the mountains of China, the Eiffel tower. Deeper into
Camping has seen a massive boost in popularity during the global pandemic, and 2021 will see the trend continue. At CoffeeGeek, our goal is for you to have amazing coffee and to develop the skills needed to deliver it anytime, any place, anywhere. That includes off the grid, while travelling, and while camping. To help
At over 5 kilograms, the Apex Grinder is easily the heaviest manual grinder you can buy today. The grinder comes complete with tools and even optional parts for you to really dive into it if you want and make modifications. Doug Garrett even has a bunch of videos on Youtube showing how to take the
Coffee is a matter of serious consideration even for those not invested in specialty coffee. Coffee drinkers, by and large, have strong opinions about their preferred cup, their preferred brewing method, their preferred flavor profile, and whether or not they add various kinds of milk, creams, and sweeteners to it. How someone takes their coffee
Obsession can be delicious, and it can keep you awake at night. That’s a pretty accurate way to describe my addiction to coffee and my fascination with all things brewing, though when Mark Prince asked me to write about my experience with coffee and my memories of CoffeeGeek, I was equal parts flattered and terrified. 
The Acaia Pearl Scale, the one that started it all for high end, coffee specific scales with a Kickstarter campaign almost 8 years ago, is getting its second major update and overhaul, and most definitely the scale’s biggest update since it’s initial introduction. You may have noticed the Pearl model listed as out of stock
I fill up my coffee mug, set the pot down, and the race is on. I want to savor each sip, yet each passing second brings me closer to despair. I want to move forward in a straight line, yet this race is littered with stops and starts. Go too fast and I’ll get burned.
First there was the successful Kickstarter Project, raising $88,000. Next there’s the Indigogo Preorder Page, which is up to $90,000 and climbing. These have got to be some very smart playing cards. And they’re all about coffee. Vincent Lam came up with this idea of a deck of 52 playing cards he calls “Sip to
The hills of Silverton teem with a vibrant eccentricity analogous to the hipster epicenters of Brooklyn and Portland. In the midst of counter-cultural eclecticism smack center on Sunset Boulevard is the colorfully welcoming Dayglow coffee. With a minimal, bright aesthetic the shop’s cheery mood is complemented by artisan doughnuts and chipper baristas. Catering to a
It’s early days yet with regards to our brand new, revitalized website and this core new piece of it: the CoffeeGeek Blog. Already, I’ve gotten some questions and frank talk about the blog, both from our promotional partners, and from a few CoffeeGeek veterans as to the purpose of this new component, and where we
The Coronavirus is responsible for so many horrible things: so many people dying from COVID-19 and so many more suffering the after effects of losing a family member. Those who had COVID and survived sometimes have lingering health issues. On the business side, countless cafes around the world have had to shut their doors, lay
With our new website, we find the need to hire a new Advertising Sales Manager to help our website move forward so we can continue to produce exciting new content, and deliver new features to our readership base. The successful candidate will be a key component in making this website rich, vibrant and successful. The
Before we even get into this, a reminder: this is not a review we’re publishing here. It’s a first look, based on initial impressions and first uses of the machine. Any conclusions or opinion I draw from this early look could completely change by the time we publish our full review on this machine. That